EF65-1・87・119号機 / Today is album day. | 安芸もみじ / Historys, Trains, Townbikes - Hiroshima JAPAN

EF65-1・87・119号機 / Today is album day.


今回は日本国有鉄道の超汎用機 EF65形 電気機関車です。



旧型機関車から脱却した新性能機関車はEF60形がありましたが、最高速度こそ100km/hだったものの、定格速度は旧型機関車と同等の39.0 km/h であり、旅客列車と貨物列車の高速化には無理がありました。



そして最高運転速度115 km/h、定格速度45.0 km/hの機関車として設計・製造されたのがEF65という機関車でした。

そう言えば、JR貨物 広島車両所にはEF65-1号機を模した、5インチゲージがいたはずですが、2008(平成20)年に1回しか見たことしかないのは残念です。

ここからの4枚は2009(平成21)年のJR貨物フェスティバル 広島車両所公開の時のEF65-87号機とEF65-119号機です。









▼ Limited today! Blog stamp.

JAPAN,Today is album day,今天是专辑日

What is your favorite photo in your album?

December 5th is the album anniversary in Japan.

Headquartered in Higashisakashita, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, Nakabayashi Co., Ltd., a comprehensive company of information organization products such as bookbinding and shredder, including fuel albums, has been established.

In December, the last month of the year, I hope that the photos that have been postponed and the memories of that year will be put together in an album.

And "when I have some time", "when my child grows up someday", "someday, someday ...", I want them to make an album without being put off.

Let's make this year's album with this day as a trigger for photos that have been messed up and photos that have been left as data.

Album Anniversary is an official anniversary certified and registered by the Japan Anniversary Association.

Before the spread of COVID-19, events such as family snapshots, lectures, and album editing workshops were held on the anniversary of the album.

As one of Japan's leading album makers, Nakabayashi has cultivated reliable technology and quality to protect important photographs, and has produced many unique products.

The company's representative product, "FUERU Album," is an album in which the mount is bound with screws, and the number of pages can be increased by adding a supplementary mount.

It is a long-selling product that has been loved all over the world since it was released in 1968.

One of today's photos is from my childhood.

This is a picture of when I went to Hiroshima Kusatsu Hachimangu Shinto shrine , with my grandfather, father and younger brother.

But now there is no one.

They are alive only in the picture.

Please take good care of your memorable photos.

Thank you for your time.

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